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Throughout its history, the region has come under control of various empires: the Romans, Byzantine, Mongol, Persian, Ottoman and Russian.

Agriculture and mining, are the industrial development bases. Despite its small size, the Caucasus region has a great interest for powerful countries, due to its strategic geopolitical location between Europe and Asia, and especially because it is the gateway to Caspian hydrocarbons. This petroleum and gas can be conducted from Caspian Sea to the ports of Turkey.

Sorted  by GDP per capita, these are the countries of this region:  Azerbaijan (9.356.500 population .   71th in ranking world by total GDP according IMF : $ 93 billion dollars. $ 10.200 GDP per capita).   Georgia (4.469.200 population.  111th: $ 24,5 billion Total GDP.  $ 5.491 per capita)  Armenia (3.262.200 population, 127th ranking of Total GDP according IMF: $ 17,9 billion dollars. $ 5.380  per cápita).

In Sylodium (国际贸易,目录) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities (and countries) like:   巴库(阿塞拜疆) - 第比利斯(格鲁吉亚)。埃里温(亚美尼亚) - 莫斯科(俄罗斯)。